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Stinger Liquid 7 Day Total Detox

Stinger Liquid 7 Day Total Detox

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    THC, methamphetamines, cocaine, nicotine and alcohol can all leave behind traces and pollutants in your body long after their immediate effects wear off. These metabolites left behind can complicate your health and your future. Why not get rid of them permanently?

The Stinger Liquid 7 Day Total Detox can help you do just that. Stinger combines vitamin B2 with minerals found in sea water and their own special blend of other minerals to provide you with a complete detox regimen to flush these toxins from your system permanently. The Stinger Liquid 7 Day Total Detox comes in a liquid form so there are no pills to swallow.

Traces of these toxins can remain in your blood, urine, saliva and urinary tract for a long time and depending on your metabolism may take much longer than 7 days to clear out of your system. For people whose body weight exceeds 200 pounds or who have a higher toxin level due to an extended use of these toxins, you will need to double your intake to TWO bottles of The Stinger Liquid 7 Day Total Detox to achieve the desired results.

Directions of Use:

1. Abstaining from all toxins is required for at least 48 hours before using The Stinger Liquid 7 Day Total Detox.

2. To be taken twice daily: One tablespoon in the morning before meals and one tablespoon in the evening before meals. If desired, you can mix the dosage with a glass of water or a glass of juice to ingest.

3. Use a TABLESPOON for each dosage not a teaspoon to make sure that you are getting the required amount of The Stinger Liquid 7 Day Total Detox. At the end of the seventh day you may have some liquid left in the bottle. You should finish all of the liquid with your last dosage.



* You should stop taking any prescription medications at least 48 hours before taking The Stinger Liquid 7 Day Total Detox.
This product will not work for individuals who are taking prescription medication or over the counter medication including Tylenol, Motrin or cold medicine.


For those individuals over 200 pounds or those with higher toxin levels it is recommended to take two tablespoons with each dosage for 14 days (2 bottles) to achieve the desired results.

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