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Vale's PreVale Capsules

Vale's PreVale Capsules

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    Vale's Pre-Vale is developed from natural herbs, in order to prepare the body for detoxification process. The herbs used in Pre-Vale are highly recognized for their capability to help liver in discharging unwanted toxins. It is recommended to use Vale's PreVale, at least 12 to 18 hrs ahead of starting the detoxification process. For guaranteed success of detoxifying program use PreVale Capsules. They are usually referred as first step in the detoxifying process.

Constituent of Vale's PreVale:

Vale's PreVale is made up of all the natural constituents and helps the detoxification program in below mentioned ways:

1. Artichoke: It helps in stimulating the re-formation of liver cells and also, increases the discharge of bile from the liver.
2. Milk Thistle: These seeds are typically used for enhancing the functioning of liver through the stimulation of protein creation. It also works as a Hepatoprotector.
3. Juniper Berries: They helps in strengthening as well as detoxifying the bladder, urinary tract and the Kidneys.
4. Dandelion Root: It acts as a cleaner and tonic to the kidney and blood. It functions as a diuretic and acts upon both the gallbladder and kidney.
5. Golden Rod, Shave Grass, Barberry Root Bark, Buchu Leaf, Yellow Dock Root and Marshmallow Roots are other vital constituents of Vale's PreVale.

Directions of Use:

Vale's PreVale complete packet of capsules needs to be consumed with water, at least 12-18 hrs ahead of drinking Vale's Detoxification Drinks.


It is suggested to take the help of medical practitioner, ahead of making use of this product in case of nursing or pregnancy. Vale's PreVale is not prepared to cure, diagnose or treat any disease in particular.

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