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Folli-Kleen Intense Hair Follicle Cleaning Shampoo

Folli-Kleen Intense Hair Follicle Cleaning Shampoo

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    Folli-Kleen Intense Hair Cleanser is specially prepared for people who are in need of hair cleaning. Folli-Kleen method uses some special ingredients to enter and eliminate the unnecessary pollutants such as THC, marijuana, ecstasy, nicotine, MDMA, chemical buildups, environmental and biological pollutants, alcohol and so on. It is advisable to make use of Folli-Kleen Intense Hair Cleanser ahead of the time, when an individual prefers to keep their hair toxin free. It starts showing its efficiency within 10 mins and continues to last up to roughly 8 hrs.

Directions of Use:

Folli-Kleen Intense Hair Cleanser is effective when the procedure is properly carried out. The following are the direction for using the product:

1. Thoroughly wash the hair with the use of non-conditioner shampoo.
2. Add 2 oz. of Folli-Kleen Intense Hair Cleanser onto the hair.
3. Wet thoroughly with Folli-Kleen on the entire hair, and carefully massage the hair using your fingers.
4. It is suggested to avoid combing or brushing when the Folli-Kleen is applied.
5. Cover the hair with a shower cap and allow the Hair Detox gel to stand for 15 mins, however not above 30 mins.
6. Wash the hair and comb as usual.

Useful Hints:

1. Time is an important factor to be considered for test results. Basically, results are not permanent and do not last for above 24 hrs, due to the steady hair growth and absorption of toxins in the hair.
2. Unwanted toxins are suggested to be avoided for 24 to 48 hrs, previous to the use of Folli-Kleen Intense Hair Cleanser.


Folli-Kleen Intense Hair Cleanser is advised to be kept away from eyes. Stop using the product, if any symptoms of scalp irritation are noticed.

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